
Society for Out-of-Frame Education

Each year our head organization, Society for Out-of-Frame Education, offers a few scholarships for S³ participants that need it the most. Every School applicant can also apply for a scholarship, which can result in either a partially reduced fee or a completely free participation. Depending on the demand for scholarships, we might be able to cover some of your travel expenses. To qualify for the scholarship, you must include a separate letter in your application, explaining the economic situation of your family. Detailed instructions for scholarship applications can be found on the Apply page.

Other scholarships

As of 2018 Dominik "Dino" Knežević Scholarship is also available for several students. The priority is given to students of Matija Mesić Gymnasium in Slavonski Brod, Croatia. In case there are no successful candidates from that Gymnasium, it will be awarded to other students from Croatia or abroad, according to the criterion of need. You can find more details here (in Croatian).

How to find a sponsor

To help pay the fee, we encourage students to find a sponsor. Although finding a sponsor can seem like a daunting task, especially if you have never tried it before, it can provide a lot of benefits. You will get training in fundraising, an important skill for students and scientists, who often have to find sources of funding for their projects, studies or travel to conferences.

Good examples of sponsors are:

  • government structures (your school, town or county)
  • education foundations or NGOs,
  • local, national or international companies (especially those which benefit from research and development, like those in the pharmaceutical industry)
  • your country's embassy in Croatia, if you are coming from abroad.

Some of them give donations on a regular basis with competitions/tenders with fixed deadlines. In your donation request, you should usually include a letter explaining your demand, how the School would impact your education and career, and reasons why you are applying specifically to their program. When applying for donations and scholarships, we can provide you a Letter of Support to maximize your chances of being sponsored.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us. We wish you the best of luck! And remember - even if you are unsuccessful, you have gained an important experience, which will prove really useful in years to come.