Who can apply?

Summer School of Science is open to all high school students (Grades 9 to 13) with a strong interest in science, regardless of their nationality, high school program or experience. However, S3 is strictly a high school program, hence university students will not be accepted.

It is not necessary to have any previous research or science competition experience in order to attend. In fact, students who didn't have a chance to gain similar experience are especially encouraged to apply.

How to apply?

You can apply only by filling in the online application form. When filling out the form, you will need to write a motivation letter and provide us with contact information of one of your teachers (not necessarily in the science field). If needed, we will contact your teacher separately to obtain a recommendation letter. In case you will be applying for scholarship, you will need to upload a separate Scholarship application letter as well. Here you can read more about the scholarships.

When applying, please double-check that you have entered all the required information and that nothing is missing since incomplete applications will not be considered.

If you are still not sure whether you want to apply or not you can submit your e-mail address through this form so we can remind you when the application deadline approaches. Meanwhile, feel free to contact us if you have any concerns about the application process or read through the questions we were frequently asked.

Application deadline: 1 June 2024 at 23:59 (CEST)
Extended applications: 8 June 2024 at 23:59 (CEST)

Selection procedure

All applications will be reviewed by the school organizers and a certain number of applicants will be selected for interviews. Please, check regularly your e-mails to ensure that you got the response. We will let you know about outcome in both cases, being selected or excluded from the interviews. The advantage is given to students who can benefit the most from the School (e.g. they have never participated in something similar before), since usually there are more good applicants than available places. Therefore, it is of great importance to write a good motivation letter! Interviews will be conducted online (by Zoom or a similar meeting platform), this year by mid June. Students will be notified by e-mail about the exact time of the interview. During interviews, we focus on wide range of topics (not necessarily science), assess student's proficiency in English and his/her personal motivation. Final selection will be announced in the following week.

We believe that each applicant who has expressed an interest in science should be given the opportunity to develop professionally. However, due to lack of resources, we cannot place all interested students in one of our camps. Therefore, if you were not selected, it doesn't mean you were not good enough and you can always try next year. We still want to maintain contact with you and to offer you guidance when needed. To stay in touch, follow us on social media where you can ask us questions about science and careers in science, and be informed about many science-related events.


Fees are income-based, and cover course material, additional activities, accident insurance, food, and accommodation for the duration of the camp. The fee does not include travel to or from Požega, visa expenses, spending money, laundry or stationery.

For more information on exact costs visit our Fees page. A detailed description of available scholarships and exceptions can be found here.

Motivational letter

Since only about 40 participants can be admitted each year, the organizers select those students who will benefit the most from participation. During the selection process, they will examine each student's background and motivation through the motivational letter and an online interview. Thus, it is of uttermost importance to write a good motivational letter, explaining your future goals and interests. The letter is a way for the organizers to get to know you and understand why you want to participate.

Your motivation letter should include:

  • a description of your own interests in science and how you express or share this interest
  • a short summary of your educational experiences, practical experience in science and opportunities you have used so far to expand your education (if you have had any)
  • plans for your professional development (i.e. choice of university, if you made it) and what actions you plan to take in the following years to develop professionally
  • any other thoughts, ideas or interests you have that are important to you but not related to science

The letter should be at least 200 words long, but it can be as long as you want.
Finally, don't be afraid that you will write something "wrong". Honesty and openness are very much appreciated.