I will have finished grade 8 (or equivalent) of elementary school this summer and am starting high school in the fall. Can I apply?
We sometimes approve applications from students starting high school in the current year for the S3 camp. We expect applications to the S3++ camp would be denied without exception, and you would be referred to the S3 camp. During the application process to the S3 camp, based on the expected composition of the camp, we may recommend you to instead apply to our sister school, the Youth Science Camp in Višnjan, which also offers introduction to the scientific method for students aged 9 to 14 (accepting Croatian participants only).
Since 2024: Due to this year’s S3 and S3++ camps being merged, we will not be accepting applications from elementary school students.
I have finished grade 12 (or equivalent) of high school already and have taken a gap year, so I am older than other students in my category. Can I apply?
We sometimes approve applications from students that have finished high school in previous year for the S3++ camp. We expect applications to the S3 camp would be denied without exception, and you would be referred to the S3++ camp.
Since 2024: Due to this year’s S3 and S3++ camps being merged, we will prioritize applications from students that are currently in high school or have just finished high school, but gap-year students are still welcome to apply.
I am a university student. Can I apply?
Summer School of Science is a program intended for high school students, so no, we cannot accept university students as participants. The lectures are open to the public, so you may join anytime. If you wish to participate as a mentor, you may.
Is there a School fee?
You can find detailed information about the fees and scholarships here.
The fee for my category is too expensive for me because of my family's specific financial situation. Can I opt to pay a fee from one of the lower-income categories?
We understand that there may be many reasons why you might not be able to afford a particular fee despite your family's annual income placing you in a high category – whether it be because your family is large, or you have high medical costs or costs of living, or your financial situation is unstable, whatever it may be – we will do our best to help ensure financial troubles do not prevent you from joining our program. In your application, indicate the true fee category and then apply for a scholarship. You can choose a partial scholarship, meaning you are asking to pay less than your indicated fee category, or a full scholarship, where you would only have to cover your own travel expenses.
I am very impressed by your School. Is there something I can do to help?
Everyone can help! To organize the school, we need volunteers, mentors, sponsors, donations, as well as people with skills in communication, design, writing, etc. Our organization Society for Out-of-Frame Education (EVO) always seeks for volunteers that might help in Summer School of Science, or it’s other sister projects. Please contact the School organizers for more information and see our sponsor page.
Why do students have to pay a fee to participate?
We depend on fees to balance our budget. We are a non-profit organization that depends on sponsor contributions and all of our people work pro-bono. This means that our organizers, project leaders and swapshop leaders don’t receive any money out of it, but we are simply covering their costs during School. Nevertheless, a small number of participants will be accepted without paying the fee, if their family can’t afford it and they can’t find a sponsor to support them. Good students will never be rejected because they cannot pay the fee, but they must include a separate letter explaining the situation.
What kind of people come to the Summer School of Science?
The Summer School of Science is a unique place because you can meet other high school students with interests in science. You will also meet lots of people who work in applied or fundamental sciences. Some of them are your project leaders, others are lecturers. Working with some of them you will learn another thing about science - it is about people. You have to be able to work in the team, present and share your ideas, but in the same time listen and respect the others.
I got invited for an interview, how should I prepare?
Interviews are usually organized over Microsoft Teams, Zoom or a similar meeting platform. You can find a link for your interview in the invitation email. A microphone is required for interview itself, while webcam can be used but isn’t necessary. And don’t fear, we won't ask you to solve mathematical equations, we simply want to chat with you and assess your motivation and English skills.
Do you have organized arrival/departure to the School?
No, participants have to organize their trip by themselves. If you contact organizers, they might give you information about other participants travelling nearby you with which you might organize travelling together. International participants can contact their camp organizers to assist them with trip planning. For more details, see Practical information.
Will I have some free time?
Summer School of Science is based on projects that consume most of the day (8 hours). In addition, we have evening lectures and workshops. The time schedule is very tight and there is not much free time. You can read a bit more about day-to-day activities here.
Is there Internet access and are there computers available for participants?
Yes, we have wireless Internet in the school and the hotel. There are also numerous computers available for participants to use in their free time.
When do I choose the project I will be working on?
Participants choose the project on the first day of School, after introductory presentations given by project leaders. There are three to four participants per project on average. School organizers try to accommodate all students on projects of their first choice, if possible.
Do I have to learn something about the projects before the School starts?
Since participants don’t know which project they will be working on before coming to the camp, we don’t require any preparation. Every project leader will start with an introduction that will build on the average high school knowledge.
I am a university student. Can I participate as a mentor?
As a university student, you can possibly participate as a mentor: project or workshop leader, depending on your experience. Please contact the School organizers who can give you more information. Undergraduate students typically lead swapshops, one-day workshops, instead of the School’s main projects, which are typically lead by master’s or higher-level mentors.
Is there some way for me to participate, even if I am not a student or a project leader?
All of our lectures are open to the public and we are working on securing Internet broadcast. Parents, prospective mentors and other friends of the School are always welcome to visit us. However, try to announce your visit to School organizers in advance.